Tuesday 3 November 2015

20-25% of the Roadbed dug up...

Busy Cup Day today. I have cranked up the Rotary Hoe. But first I needed to locate and remove - or bury - the lawn sprinkler pipes... by hand.

Then having dragged the 10m or so of guard railed track out of the way, it's hoeing time... I figure on using the spoils to fill in the sinkhole areas near the lake, but there is a shed load of dirt... I will run out of places to spread it. Can't be too thick or I'll just kill the grass...

Made it about 3/4 of the way before 3PM (having walked Honey earlier and then a quick trip to the Ski Club TAB to put a wager on the Cup). Maz picked third place, so might get her $6 back...

By 4:30 I am done, but I do have the house side piece of track, about 10m, dug in and nearly ready to be concreted in. It will be flush with the top of the concrete under the balcony - no tripping allowed. I just need to reinforce a couple of joins and get the track smooth along the track, no dips - and level across the tracks, then box it and get more instant concrete.

This section has a fixed height - the existing floor so the rest of the circuit will be as close to that level as I can manage. The rest will be dug out and a granitic sand base put under the track. So much spill to get rid of!!!