Sunday 22 January 2017

The Sewer

The Council has decided, quite reasonably, to bring sewer surge, access pits to the surface for... access! Sadly we have one in our yard - under the track. I knew it was there, but my recollection was out by about 60cm. (Council data was out by a metre) Decided to expose it myself rather than have them mess about. Had to cut the track as the removable section was out by, yes, 60cm. Apparently steel rings and a new steel sealed hatch is the plan. 210mm total rise makes the hatch level with the bottom of the steel ties. So that is the maximum it can tolerate.. Top left is the new hole about 30% bigger than the hatch.

So here is the access hole... I reckon, since I have done the spade work, literally, in the rock hard ground, the Council guys will be able to accomodate with a 190mmm or MAX 210mm collar... Note the two 90mm stormwater drains that had to slightly bend around the pit. Underneath at the bottom of that 65cm trench is 240VAC, a high pressure PVC pipe and stormwater on top...