Sunday 12 November 2017

Track Control is Operational

All the first 4 points and signals now working by radio control!

Monday 23 October 2017

Points and Signals

Been a while since posting progress. We have been working on point, signals and control. Plan A was to use spare channels on the RCS remote controls, but the limitation of ONE TX for multi RX was deemed too limiting. So cheap chinese 433MHz, 8 Channel latching RC was procured (for AU$30!). It can operate in latching mode - press on, press off - for each channel and comes with 3 TX!
So then made some interface boards with changeover relays to reverse polarity on the points motors (linear actuators), and stay reversed while the RC channel is 'on'.
So here are the the reversing modules - cables colour coded per standard security cable pinouts.
The video testing one circuit end to end.
Installed on the fence with solar charged power supply, and control circuits in their weather proof enclosures.
And finally testing the installation with the remote control...

Saturday 5 August 2017

AAR Trucks (bogies for Australians)

Very exciting! Custom AAR Type A shunter Power Bogies are ready to ship from Jason Belletire at Backyard Train Co! 
They will go under an Aussie Prototype Rail Motor... for now...

Signal Switch detail

Here is the innards of the signal switching - all simple with  a mechanical micro-switch.
The 12V supply to the point motor is picked off and rectified as it is reversed to move the actuator. The -ve are the two common rails - black pins. 
The +ve is changed by the actuator tripping the micro-switch and taken to the red or green pins, to which the LEDs are connected.
The top aspect of the signal head (normally green) is a red and green common cathode (-ve) LED so that both colours can be illuminated together - giving orange/yellow colour.
By picking off the 12V at the red of the next signal, bringing it back and adding to the top LED on the red pin, a yellow distant caution will be shown when green is also on. Thus indicating the next signal may be at STOP.
The relay switch inhibits the top red being lit when the bottom, red, aspect is lit. Don't want TWO reds at the same time...

There are six wires connecting the point motor boxes, which are also the signal base. Blue and White carry the constant. but reversing, 12V to the actuators. Yellow then carries the 12VDC back one signal for the Caution signal. Leaving Red, Green and Black for other functions.
The bottom pix are the prototype boards for the bi-colour LEDs. Same size as the original Ron Light, Right Track signals.

SRR convention is that the continuous oval is the mainline. Normal running is clockwise. All top signal heads refer to the mainline. No block control so all top signals are green. For mainline running all point motors are retracted or 'in'. Any relays are 'off'. 

Monday 24 July 2017

Points Motor and Signal switching

First Points Motor with signal switching is operational. Power is picked off the constant but reversing 12VDC - applied to the linear actuator (the blue and white wires) - rectified through a diode bridge (on the small board). +ve is supplied to the micro switch and fed back to 2 sets of 'Red or Green' signal pins - which have a -ve pin each side to allow simple reversing.

The signals are powered by picking off the AC (reversing polarity) 12V for the actuator, rectifying with a diode bridge, changing with a microswitch acting from the actuator ram, then out to a set of pins for -VE, Red, Green, -VE, so that signal polarity can easily be selected by reversing the plug.

The extra sets of pins can be connected to any of the 4 spare wires in the 6 core cable to the box, and hence to remote signals or a distant signal...

Friday 16 June 2017


 The first signals are in place! I imported a few Right Track heads from Ron Light in USA. US conduit box, custom front, pcb, LEDs and, the best bit,  Fresnel lenses; About 1/8 scale.
The posts are 19mm gal steel tube held by 32mm waterproof cable glands.
The lights will be  changed by a microswitch activated by the point motor actuator. Powered from a diode bridge from the point motor power supply.
The other signal is a small jiffy box with 7 yellow LEDs showing road selection leaving the turning stub (on the girder span) 4 LEDs each way.

Saturday 27 May 2017

... working on the railway...

Some recent work on the track; scale 'bluestone' blocks (grooved charcoal concrete pavers) for retaining wall onto the truss span, point motor wired up, southern curve levelled and roadbase widened.

Friday 7 April 2017

Blowfly dismantled

The Blowfly (Metallea) is in bits, all required parts on hand. Now for paint and new plumbing...

Monday 27 February 2017

Newer sewer hatch = track back

Well, well well... no its the sewer access hatch in place. Two new rings of concrete, one with a steel seat for the sealed steel hatch. It will settle on the rings of goop (the official name for the concrete to concrete joining stuff) and is not quite level. So I will wait a while to make appropriate thickness timber sleepers.

Took a while when the old hatch was lifted to clean out half a bin of palm roots. Now to back fill and settle the dirt.

Meanwhile SRR is back in service!

Friday 17 February 2017

The Newer Sewer

Ready for the Council to install their custom extension and steel (sealed) lid. They tell me it will be a 19cm spacer ... as long as it is less than 21cm overall, all will be well.

Then the SRR will be back in business!

Sunday 22 January 2017

The Sewer

The Council has decided, quite reasonably, to bring sewer surge, access pits to the surface for... access! Sadly we have one in our yard - under the track. I knew it was there, but my recollection was out by about 60cm. (Council data was out by a metre) Decided to expose it myself rather than have them mess about. Had to cut the track as the removable section was out by, yes, 60cm. Apparently steel rings and a new steel sealed hatch is the plan. 210mm total rise makes the hatch level with the bottom of the steel ties. So that is the maximum it can tolerate.. Top left is the new hole about 30% bigger than the hatch.

So here is the access hole... I reckon, since I have done the spade work, literally, in the rock hard ground, the Council guys will be able to accomodate with a 190mmm or MAX 210mm collar... Note the two 90mm stormwater drains that had to slightly bend around the pit. Underneath at the bottom of that 65cm trench is 240VAC, a high pressure PVC pipe and stormwater on top...

Monday 2 January 2017

Blowfly - Metallea

Grey Rhiniin Fly - Metallea incisuvalis. Family Calliphoridae... is an Australian Blowfly - as is this fine little 5" gauge, coal fired, live steam locomotive.
It is now named "METALLEA", maybe it's LEA for short... and it is metal!
It has a new home track at SRR - while it has a refurbishment and upgrade with added water injectors. Then we will be out and about.