Wednesday 11 May 2016

Carriage rebuild

New buffer beams from recycled angle
Another Board decision: to rebuild the original ride-on with coupler pockets, and repaint Indian Red!
The original coupling bar passed through a slot in the end panels - to keep the pivot close to the bogie pivot. Examining the geometry in use indicates that a coupler pocket on the end panel will be okay, easier to couple - and more conventional. 
Welded cleaned up and painted

So I have two new ends for Car#1, have added (internal) buffer beams to both cars. So basically dismantled Car#1 and rebuilding to match Car#2...

Car#2 is a little different with narrower angle side frames, bogie support plates of 10mm rather than 8mm flat bar, and the sides are 1mm rather than 0.8mm sheet.

Bogies back on with 1/2" UNC bolts as pivots
Now I am busy repainting the original sides and new end panels... A bugger getting the signage off!

Also making coupler pockets out of 40mm x 5mm SQ RHS to weld onto 50mm flat and bolt on through the buffer beams. Will still use the same coupling bars and 1/4" pins.

Before you know it there will be two ride-on cars... All we need then is something that will pull six people...