Thursday 1 October 2015

Not much happening... for a moment...

Been gardening etc; it's Spring! Gardening mainly around the railway, must admit... Meanwhile have been digging along side the house to bed the track. The ground is like concrete, well weak concrete.

I have decided my unsprung bogies are not up to use on the riding car, partly because of the very small wheels @ about 65mm diameter; so they have been removed... Warwick Sandberg, sprung bogies with bigger wheels seem the go...

I reckon the original bogies might be used on a self powered, remote controlled refrigerator car (Esky)!

And whilst awaiting, the cheap Chinese pneumatics I have made a couple of air pressure vessels from extant UPVC pipe and cap fittings. The 1/2 BSP socket will accept a T piece - 1/2 to twin 6mm PU tubing. The accumulators will be buried near the points solenoids to ensure quick response - and reserves.

Been researching signalling. All to be light signals. Fortunately in Moira Mini Rail we have a signals expert, Trever, who looks after all the signalling for NE Vic rail network!!!