Thursday 15 October 2015

Signal Box progress

I have been working on my switch box. Four channel remote driving 4PDT (4 pole double throw relays). The remote toggles on off on each channel... one press = on, next press=off.

One switch on the relay will activate the air solenoid. The other are available for signals.
This little video shows (not very well) the 10mm LED changing from red to green.
It is all 12VDC with dropping restores on the LEDs

Saturday 3 October 2015


Pressure tested the accumulators to 100psi (700kpa). Put them in the lake behind the seawall and pressurised... Nothing blew. So I have a 100% margin for 50psi (350kpa) in operation. All the other components are rated to 1Mpa (145psi)!

Thursday 1 October 2015

Not much happening... for a moment...

Been gardening etc; it's Spring! Gardening mainly around the railway, must admit... Meanwhile have been digging along side the house to bed the track. The ground is like concrete, well weak concrete.

I have decided my unsprung bogies are not up to use on the riding car, partly because of the very small wheels @ about 65mm diameter; so they have been removed... Warwick Sandberg, sprung bogies with bigger wheels seem the go...

I reckon the original bogies might be used on a self powered, remote controlled refrigerator car (Esky)!

And whilst awaiting, the cheap Chinese pneumatics I have made a couple of air pressure vessels from extant UPVC pipe and cap fittings. The 1/2 BSP socket will accept a T piece - 1/2 to twin 6mm PU tubing. The accumulators will be buried near the points solenoids to ensure quick response - and reserves.

Been researching signalling. All to be light signals. Fortunately in Moira Mini Rail we have a signals expert, Trever, who looks after all the signalling for NE Vic rail network!!!