Thursday 15 March 2018

New turnout to the Garage

Building a new turnout in the existing curve to lead to the drive through garage. Laurie K kindly milled the blades. I gathered my nerve to put the angle grinder cut-off disk through the outside rail... nothing moved - brilliant! 
Replaced the curve outside rail with a straight section. Slotted the remaing curve for the frog, fabricated the other bits, made the blades fit. Welded up. Smooth as!!

Sunday 7 January 2018

Y Class design evolves

The Y class will be on a folded steel chassis with steel body. Here is the chassis spec and a sketch of the body on it, not to scale...

Wednesday 3 January 2018

The AAR bogies on test

Put the bogies together at 20" centres (per 1/12 scale VR Y Class), strapped on some batteries, cheapy ESC and RX with RCS TX...
It flies! As Y175, it is allowed to be quick, as the prototype was the only Y re-geared to 59mph top speed rather than 40mph...