Monday 23 October 2017

Points and Signals

Been a while since posting progress. We have been working on point, signals and control. Plan A was to use spare channels on the RCS remote controls, but the limitation of ONE TX for multi RX was deemed too limiting. So cheap chinese 433MHz, 8 Channel latching RC was procured (for AU$30!). It can operate in latching mode - press on, press off - for each channel and comes with 3 TX!
So then made some interface boards with changeover relays to reverse polarity on the points motors (linear actuators), and stay reversed while the RC channel is 'on'.
So here are the the reversing modules - cables colour coded per standard security cable pinouts.
The video testing one circuit end to end.
Installed on the fence with solar charged power supply, and control circuits in their weather proof enclosures.
And finally testing the installation with the remote control...