Thursday 15 January 2015


Did I mention how annoying (and pointless) I find the "something to the foot" scales?
I can't figure how anyone thought 16mm to 1 foot was sensible.

Well if a 5" model gauge track represents a real 'broad gauge' track of 5'3" (Victorian/Irish) or 4'8.5" (Standard/ Two Roman mules whithers wide); that either 63"/5" = 12.6:1 or 56.5"/5" = 11.3:1 would be the appropriate scales...

The average of both options is 11.95:1 OR damn near 12:1 OR ONE INCH TO THE FOOT!
If I pursue Vic Rail prototypes, then I have just about talked myself into it!!!

On the other hand, my new  friend Duncan is pursuing narrow gauge prototype so 3'6" gauge equates to 42"/5"= 8.4:1 whereas 3' gauge equates to 36"/5" = 7.2:1. He is settling on 8:1 = 1/8th scale.

My starting point of 10:1 = 1/10th scale is very close to  1 205/1024 inches to 1 foot !!!! (1:9.999!!!) Maybe the world needs a new standard!!!

Wednesday 14 January 2015


Having now helped level an existing track (at Kidstown)- lifting track and packing ballast, I figure bigger sleepers will be an improvement. So timber attached by screws to the welded steel 'ties' is the plan - as is common practice.

We have recycled the old balcony deck and have over 400 pieces of Jarrah about 90X20mm and generally a bit over 300 long. Cut to length and with the tongue and groove trimmed off they should be good for another 50 years...

First 4.5 metres done, and at 7 per metre we can do over 55 metres of track, excellent.