Thursday 23 October 2014

Trainee Train Driver

Maz and I have joined Moira Miniature Rail Inc! Real nice bunch, motivated to build their own track at Wunghnu (pronounced one ewe...). They have been raising funds and building track since '09.

We can learn, be legal to operate on other organisation's track, and ... have fun entertaining kids of all sizes. Membership covers liability insurance, and of course requires Working With Children checks.

Numurkah Show the other day was our baptism of... fund raising.  You can spot Maz behind in the marquee - counting heads... or bums - on seats! See Moira Miniature Rail on Facebook for more...

Sunday 5 October 2014


I recycled the zig zag wrought iron balustrade from the house into a pair of trusses and made a span of 2.5 m - which will sit level next to the fence and over the slope down to the old willow tree.
The weed mat will go to the fence and under ballast. Sick of weeding around the trees. The potted jade plants will go into the ground.

Track Layout - Lakeside...

Walked around with a tape measure and can of marking paint this morning. Here is a sort of oval with 3.5m radius curves. So that's about 40m of track plus straight all along and parallel to the fence. Two sets of points and a y point... It stays above the slope down to the lake - except for the reversing stub on the truss. Track will continue along the far side of the house...

This is a panorama from the iPhone so is a bit distorted...